Friday, February 25, 2011

Sick Daze

So remember when we were younger ( I mean high school and college people...dream back to the golden days)...and you felt AWFUL...sick or hungover, and you'd drag yourself to class purely to avoid using an absence on anything other than fun or to save yourself exemption on an exam...well, i took my first SICK day yesterday from work.  Boy...I was SICK, i feel about 50% better today but why waste a perfect 2nd day off work when I could take a 3-day weekend vacay to Vegas later this year? One can dream...anyway.  This is ACTUALLY how much Kleenex i went through yesterday....well not really, but close!  It was miserable. The only thing that helped my day was Netflix instant.  Thank you Lord.  I watched When in Rome...which was AWFUL, and Julie & Julia, which was AWESOME.  These really cured my sick day blues.  I just hope i'm feeling much better for this beautiful weekend. As far as this allergy hell turned headcold. I despise you, and curse your name.  Part B of being sick when you're 25 and married...your mom doesn't really care that you're sick anymore.  Lovely.  I got a small amount of sympathy, and insisted on calling her to update her on my lack of health progress. Tres Rude.  Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend, and is feeling extra HEALTHY!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Smart Girl!

Okay so it might not be video post day...but i'm making an exception:

Enjoy! Happy Hump Day...p.s. allergies are MISERABLE.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Article of the Week

Yes, that just happened. Yes, I miss college. And yes, I was in SING. Granted, I was AWFUL...."back row bandits" comes to mind as a group I was in within our sing act, we had spirit...yes we did. All that being said...PBP for life. We weren't ever considered the at SING when I was in college, I guess it just took a few years after I got out for them to recover from my horribleness. I will add, that at the latest game night among new married friends...I beat my old sing chair in "Just Dance" for Wii. Did it feel like redemption for my lack of Baylor Sing stardom in college? A little. Happpppppppppy Friday to all! Enjoy the wonderful weather this weekend! I...will be 'landscaping' in our backyard. Do i know anything about landscaping? Not really. But google has made me a holly/crape myrtle pro. BRING IT!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

World's Worst Blogger

Okay...let's stop avoiding the obvious. Ali, you're the blogging world's biggest let-down/disappointment. I know...i know. All we can do is move forward from let's start like it's a fresh life update/day.  Lately I've been thinking maybe I should organize the direction of this blog, i.e. Monday-Home Improvement Day, Tuesday-Fitness, Wednesday-Food, Thursday-Pop Culture/TV, Friday-Article of the Week....thoughts? Let's be honest, i think 3 people read this. But...If we have organization, maybe I'll be able to stick to some topics and write alot more! Okay...that sounds fun! Now these categories can stretch into different concepts, but i like it. So today being Thursday--i guess we'll hit the Pop Culture/TV circuit. 
Bachelor, oh, Bachelor...why must you have a giant cross tattoo on your back? Does it have to do with the abnormal water balloon pecks on your front-side? I guess so...90210, Emily, WHY are you stealing Annie's life? How many psychos/stalkers does Annie have to deal with in one lifetime? I guess that's what she gets for the hit and run incident. Poor Kansas Annie.  GG, Chuck, you looked fabulous in your white cummerbund set, but everyone needs to stop hating on Lilly, she's the bomb.  Kardashians, I also find Shango's australian accent a fabulous perk, and I'm impressed you were able to get Scott to return his phantom.  Modern Fam, you slay me...The ex, the mom, Gloria's gift ideas, the princess party...brilliant.  BONUS: Dan and I are almost all caught up on Friday Night Lights thanks to Netflix instant...and might I say, it makes me want to have a son that's a star football player in Texas one day.  If he strays from the plan, I'll just call Buddy and Riggins and they'll teach him a think of two about what's important in life.  I saw Lady GaGa on GMA this morning...I just don't understand. Her music is catchy and fun, and yes she has a unique style, but she embodies controversial thinking, and is rocking the boat 24/7 all real? I wonder what's she's REALLY like. She probably lives in a colonial traditional house on the East Coast with 2 golden retrievers, and loafs around in Ralph Lauren and Lilly while flipping through her Neiman's catalogs and Paula Dean Cookbooks, with Real Housewives marathons or HGTV running in the background.  Scattered post=yes, see you tomorrow with an Article of the Week! Woohoo. Love yall, mean it!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Traffic Gym

Grrrrr! So I guess to start off a long story short from the follow? I joined a gym after college after my first deep work depression.  I figured if I could find something healthy that would supposedly make me happier to do JUST FOR ME after a long day of staring at the computer, my quality of life would improve. In picking said 'gym', I decided the one about 100 yards from the front door of my office building would prove sufficient since I'd feel guilty about not going RIGHT after work, and if the gym was a drive away or too close to my home i'd cruise right on past it to my happy place (i.e. the couch in front of the TV).  SO, things have been going pretty great in this relationship until the dreaded 1-17-11 came (D-day for my gym location). It closed. yes. and NOW I have to fight awful East-West traffic on my way home to stop at the other location (which is dangerously easy to drive past on the route home).  Not only that, but i've lost my favorite spin teacher...AND new gym location is obviously a melting pot for old gym location members along with NYResolution's dreadfully crowded.  I'm hoping this problem will clear up soon, but as far as the spin teacher goes, i'm not sure i'll live to spin another day.  All the new spin teachers 'spin' to techno/house music and are males.  My old teacher was a girl, and she liked to play all the coolest jams (as well as an occasional throwback to Nelly/Luda...) and i LOVED it.  Anyway, the picture (clearly not me-thanks google images), accurately portrays how I feel in the new 'techno' spin class. miserable.  On another note, tonight I don't have to work out because my lovely ole rooms has invited us over for venison lasagna! Yummmmmmm. Did i mention funfetti brownies for dessert? I've already forgotten about my desire to spin. Love yall!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!

Why oh why was I not able to snuggle in bed all day today?  Usually Dallas cancels school and shuts down all the roads at the sight of a snow flurry...but have we toughened up?  When the alarm went off this morning I immediately turned on the which my rude husband laughed at me and said "Honey, there won't be a 'closed office' list". GRRR. Yes, it's true, but i typically go by the DISD closed=excuse rule.  However, apparently Dallas has toughened up, and despite the 28 degree temperature, and 4 inches of snow on the ground. I trucked on to  Anyway, the weekend was pretty awesome, because 0 obligations were involved! Friday we watched the cotton bowl with some friends, Saturday (GTL...minus the T), and played at Dick's sporting goods! (which was super fun).  We then went to Goody Goody's and got a tequila/marg we could later try out our margaritaville margarita machine that we got as a wedding gift...and it was AWESOME.  Really smoothly blended marg greatness. :)  We met some friends for dinner and then had a fun Sunday with "The Knot" and watching the snow fall. Oh....did I mention last night I made my husband watch "Craiglist Killer" with me. WOW! So good!  Spooky, but good! Tonight is the BIG game (if you love football...or have a male in your life that does) looks like it will be a perfect night for Pizza, football, and a roaring fire! Don't worry, it should be 60 by the weekend supposedly. Oh Texas!

Monday, January 3, 2011

Season's Greetings!

Okay okay I know I'm THE WORST. I start a blog and then go on hiatus. Well...I'm back! I hope. This whole going back to work thing...awful. I guess my hiatus can be explained by freedom.  Christmas with my family was FABULOUS and i...of course...ate mountains of goodness.  Christmas has become a less exciting event for me ever since A-I found out Chris was posing as Santa, B-Presents became less about toys and more about glam and jewels, and C-my sisters refuse to wake up to open presents before 10am...rude.  This year was particularly less glamorous considering this whole 'work' thing allowing only 1 day off to celebrate CHRISTMAS!?!? Santa wouldn't be very happy about that, and neither was I. Also, i went on a Christmas eve hunt for Home Alone 1 on DVD when I found out to my dismay our house is lacking the ability to play our original VHS copy.  Did I find a single copy of Home Alone 1 on DVD? NO! it was awful. I had to watch #2 on TV...with commercials...and it was just torture.  The redeeming factor of Christmas this year... THE PAD. Yes, I got my first toy for Christmas in a very long time...and I'm STOKED about it. Though I will say I was hoping for a copy of Just Dance in my stocking...THE PAD was more than enough toy for this little girl! I played and played and played, and when I left for a half selfish husband played and played and I had to pry it from his hands when I returned.  None the less, I vow to love on my PAD for ages to come, and even start blogging on it (if you're lucky ;-)). The power of the pad toy-factor can be measured last night when Dan pulled up the WSJ app on the pad, read half an article, and then I caught him x'ing out and firing up Angry Birds HD. It brings out the best in us...ANYWAY, Christmas was fab and then we returned to fluorescent nightmare work for a couple of days.  We took off early to watch our Bears get slaughtered in their bowl game...AWFUL.  Then we played some Top Golf and just enjoyed the weather and season! NYE was a blast with all my friends and turned out remotely painless for a big night out in the big city!  But now...the holidays are over...and with no holidays in sight, depression is coming on.  Oh well! At least this week is free spicy chicken biscuit week at Chick-fil-a! There's potential for greatness. Hope you all had a WONDERFUL break!!!!